How Do I Personalize My Connect & Convert Basic Emails?

Use Replaceable Tokens to make sure all your follow-up email campaigns are personalized to each individual lead

Below is a list of parameters that can be used in 97 Display's Automatic Email Campaign tool; Connect & Convert Basic.

To use these parameters, you'll copy a parameter exactly and paste it into the body content of your email. When an email is sent to a lead, the parameters will be replaced by the corresponding information.

Lead's First Name - @FirstName

Lead's Last Name - @LastName

Lead's Email - @StudentEmail

Lead's Phone - @StudentPhone

Your Email - @SchoolEmail, @OrganizationEmail, @LocationEmail

Your Phone - @SchoolPhone, @OrganizationPhone, @LocationPhone

Your Address - @SchoolAddress, @OrganizationAddress, @LocationAddress

Your URL - @SchoolUrl, @OrganizationUrl, @SchoolDomain, @Domain, @OrganizationDomain

URL to your 97 Display Offer Page - @OfferURL