How Do I Manage My Members Portal?

Give exclusive content, articles, videos, and more to your paying members through your Members Only Portal


Why do you need a Members Only section?

If you're looking to create a more exclusive experience for your members, then utilizing the members-only portal on your website could be a great way to do so. By limiting access to only those who sign up, you can provide them with exclusive content that they won't find anywhere else. This could include everything from blog posts and articles to videos, webinars, and more. By giving your members the ability to log in and access exclusive content, you can create a more engaged community and provide them with even more value from your business.

Terms To Know

  • All Posts
    • Clicking the “All Posts” tab from the menu will show All Members Only posts regardless of their Category
  • Dropdown Menu
    • Choosing a “Category” from the dropdown menu will filter the Members Only posts by their “Category”
  • Logo
    • Clicking the “Logo” will return the user to the homepage of the website
  • Back to
    • Clicking the “Back To @domain” will return the user to the homepage of the website
  • Top/Pinned Post
    • The first and largest post on the Members Only Page can be either:
      • The most recent Members Only post by date (to learn to post a Members Only Post see the “To Create a Members Only Post” section)
      • A pinned post (to learn how to pin a Members Only Post see the “To Pin A Members Only Post” section)
  • Members Only Posts
    • The each page of the Members Only section will include:
        • The “Top/Pinned” post
        • 8 additional posts ordered by the most recent posts by date

To Activate The Members Only Page

Contact a support rep at and request them to activate your Members Only Page.

To Create Members and Member Logins

Visit This Link

To Create a Members Only Post

- Go To Web Site Manager → Members Only

- Click the “New Members Blog” button or choose an existing post to edit

- Choose a Location from the “Location” dropdown (this will not change anything “on-page” with your Members Only post. All Members Only posts are available for all locations

- Add your post title to the “Title” field

- Choose the date you want your post to show from the “Post Show DateTime” date chooser. You can schedule the post to show in the future or immediately 

- Upload an image with the “Post Image” image uploader. This image will be used on the Members Only Page Dashboard, and on the post itself. (Not required, but recommended to maximize the aesthetics of your Dashboard)

- Upload a PDF with the “Post PDF” PDF uploader. This PDF will show in the body content of your post. (Not required)

 - Add a video embed URL from a video hosting site (i.e. YouTube, Vimeo) into the “Embed Video URL” field. The video will show in the body content of your post. (Not required) 

- Add the content of your post in the “Body Content” field. If you want to paste your content into the textbox, make sure you paste it into the HTML box (</> button). This will fix any formatting issues.

- Choose a category for your post from the “Category” dropdown. The category will show in the dropdown menu of the Members Only Dashboard and users will be able to sort the posts by category. You can also apply multiple categories to a single post.

 - Choose the access level of your post from the “Access?” dropdown. Members will only be able to view the access levels they have permissions to view.

- Enable the “Pin Post?” toggle to pin the post at the top of your Members Only Dashboard.

- Enable the “Show The Post Date?” toggle to add the date created to the Members Only Dashboard.

To Pin a Members Only Post

Pinning a Members Only Post will move this post to the larger, top post on the front page of your Members Only Portal. This post will stay at the top until you unpin the post or you pin another post.

- Go to Web Site Manager → Members Only and choose the post you would like to pin

- Toggle on “Pin post?”

- Save

Note: If you pin more than one post, your most recent pinned post will be pinned