How Do I Add/Edit My Schedule?

Add class times or hours of operations to your website's schedule page

You can access the Schedule section either by clicking:

1. The Website Manager Tab (laptop icon along blue menu bar) and click "Set Schedule"


2. The "Update Schedule" shortcut menu on the dashboard. 


3. If you have a PDF or Image file that you’d like to use to replace the 97 Display default schedule table, use the blue buttons at the top to upload. If you upload a file, it will override the classes that are entered manually on this page.

4. If you have multiple locations and are adding schedules for each location, choose which location you are going to add first.

5. To add a new class time:

a. Enter a Service/Class Name.
b. Add a Start Time. The date doesn't matter, only the time.
c. Add an End Time. The date doesn't matter, only the time.
d. Select which days that class is offered. Helpful for services/classes that repeat throughout the week!
e. Select Active.
f. Click "Save."

**Note: You can select an Offer (program) and an Instructor too.


6. If you have any additional text you would like to add, you can add content to the "Schedule Page Text" field. This text will display under the schedule table on the site. Click "Update" to save. 

7. If you're using a third-party scheduling tool, you can copy and paste the HTML embed code into the "Schedule Page Text" field and click "Disable Schedule Table". Click "Update" to save.


8. Under Schedules, you can edit each day’s class name, start time, end time, offer (program), instructor, and mark it is an active class or not, as needed, by clicking on the pencil icon. If you want to delete the class, click on the trash can icon.

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