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Frequently Asked Questions About 97 Display Websites

Get answers to the most commonly asked questions about 97 Display websites!

  1. What does 97 Display do?
    We make future-proof websites that get you more leads so you can impact people’s lives. Our all-in-one lead-generation platform takes the hassle out of growing your business so you can focus on what matters most. 
  2. What makes 97 Display different from other website and marketing companies?
    We built and OWN our website platform! It’s ours! This allows us the unique ability to update all our client’s websites simultaneously and constantly. We keep your website up to date and you don’t have to lift a finger.
  3. What is a lead-generating website? How does the lead generation process work on 97 Display websites?
    Our lead-generating websites are designed to attract and capture potential customers' information, such as their name and email address, with the goal of converting them into paying customers. Our websites use various strategies like forms, calls-to-action, and incentives PLUS a unique data-driven design to encourage visitors to share their contact information.
  4. What types of leads can I expect from my website?
    The types of leads can vary based on your industry and target audience. Your 97 Display website is crafted to attract organic traffic from users actively searching on Google. By complementing this strategy with your efforts on social media and other platforms, you can further enhance lead generation, reaching a broader audience and maximizing the potential for attracting valuable leads.
  5. When will I start getting leads?
    The timeline for increased lead generation after launching and indexing a new website on Google is variable, typically taking weeks to months. Success depends on factors like industry competition, keyword effectiveness, and the impact of marketing efforts. To expedite results, we focus on robust SEO practices. We also recommend that you create compelling content and promote your site through channels like social media. Consistent efforts in these areas enhance visibility, attract organic traffic, and boost the likelihood of generating leads. Your Business Success manager will be monitoring performance analytics and and working with you to adapt strategies accordingly will further optimize lead generation over time.
  6. How can I get more leads right now?
    There are several proactive steps you can take to start generating more leads immediately. First, leverage social media platforms to promote your website and reach a wider audience. Second, consider investing in additional advertising like Facebook or Google ads. Third, blogging on your website regularly with fresh content can help generate more traffic to your website. Reach out to your Business Success Manager for more personalized recommendations!
  7. How do I make changes to the website?
    Your Business Success Manager is available to assist you with general website updates. Please contact support@97display.com for assistance. You also have access to edit some self-service items through the 97 Portal.
  8. What analytics and reporting features are available for tracking lead performance?
    The 97 Portal provides analytics tools to track the performance of your lead generation efforts. You can monitor metrics such as user engagement and conversions to assess the effectiveness of your strategies. If you have digital advertising with us, please reach out to your Business Success Manager to request reporting.
  9. What support resources are available if I encounter issues or have questions?
    We offer a comprehensive support system, including the 97 Knowledge Base, the 97 Portal, and your dedicated Business Success Manager.